ROBG 522: Проект „Повишаване на транспортната безопасност в общия българо-румънски участък на река Дунав, чрез подобряване реакцията при бедствени ситуации посредством трансгранично сътрудничество"
Danube Safety Net
ROBG 522: Project “Improvement of the Transport Safety in the Common Bulgarian-Romanian Stretch of the Danube River through Development of the Emergency Response by Cross-Border Cooperation”
Public access to the Danube Transport Safety Geographic Information System (DTSGIS)
On the 14th of September, 2018, a Subsidy Contract between the Managing Authority of the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 and Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” was signed in Calarasi, Romania for the project “Improvement of the Transport Safety in the Common Bulgarian-Romanian Stretch of the Danube River through Development of the Emergency Response by Cross-Border Cooperation” - Danube Safety Net Project, e-MS code: ROBG-522.
The start date of the Danube Safety Net project is the 15th of September, 2018, and its duration is 36 months. The project involves two partners: Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" (EAMA), which is the Lead Partner, and the Romanian Maritime Administration (RNA) – Project Partner.
The Danube Safety Net project was approved for funding under the Third Call for Project Proposals under the INTERREG V-A Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Romania - Bulgaria 2014 - 2020, Priority Axis 1 "Well-connected Region", Specific Objective 1.2 " Increase transport safety on waterways and maritime transport routes”.
The total budget of the Danube Safety Net project is EUR 5,699,612.87. The budget of Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" is 3,053,726.94 euros, out of which 85% are provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the remaining 15% are national co-financing.
The main goal of the Danube Safety Net project is to increase the level of transport safety along the common Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube River. To achieve the main goal of the project, Common Information System for responding to emergency situations and multipurpose vessels will be delivered for the needs of the competent authorities with responsibilities for reaction in case of disasters and accidents on the Danube River.
The expected results of the project implementation include: better synchronization of actions of the two responsible institutions, when dealing with extreme situations, improved capacity of the rescue teams and reduced time for reaction in calamity events.
Изпълнителна агенция „Морска администрация“ попълни състава си с две нови баржи
Danube Safety Net Project and its contribution to the improvement of safety of navigation in the Bulgarian-Romanian stretch of the Danube River. Media campaign launched by the MA of the INTERREG V_A Romania-Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020.
Attachment | Size |
Предстояща международна среща по проект "Danube Safety Net" на 8 октомври в гр. Русе | 150.03 KB |
Web banner | 213.23 KB |
Danube Safety Net Progress Report No1 | 529.45 KB |
Danube Safety Net Progress Report No2 | 483.86 KB |
Danube Safety Net Progress Report No3 | 1.17 MB |
Danube Safety Net Progress Report No4 | 569.81 KB |